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Big parts of Iceland look quite like the moon. And these final four minutes on the flight to Iceland certainly look like we are doing a moon landing. see the black parts on land, it is the new lava from the volcanic eruption in 2022.
Fler och fler har gjort avtal med timpris på el. Senaste prisarna kan vara lite svåra att hitta, speciellt för oss som vill kolla 10 gånger om dagen. Här hittar du “laddar ner” app som visar priserna snabbt. Detta gäller för iPhone och iPad. Öppna Safari […]
These electric vehicles these days are amazing. After spending all my money on some stupid turbines and super thick exhausts in the 90’s, these cars just show up and go much faster, even in the beginners version. During a 30 minute test drive you cannot get […]